Sunday, February 18, 2018

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To trust is to believe in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something. I believe that trust is something that takes time to give and to receive. Trust is built off of communication and is something we have to work for every day. 

I give trust to people after I get to know them. Once my trust is given, the relationship builds and grows stronger. I start to build this trust by trusting myself  in the situation first and then I learn to trust others. To build trust, I show others that I care by communicating, showing support, and offering advice, help and guidance. 

Image result for quote about trust and leadershipI believe trust is one of the most important principles in building relationships with others. The more trust you have, the stronger relationship you will have. Trust is something I strive to have with people in my personal and professional life. The more trust I give and receive the happier I will be in every part of my life. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Significance of a Name

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Parents spend a lot of time picking out names for their children whether it's
because of family, the meaning or they simply that they like it. As Clare McLaughlin says in the article "The Lasting Impact of Mispronouncing Students' Names," names bring stories. As educators, we should be sensitive to student's names and learn how to pronounce them. This will let the students know that they are important and respected by you.
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Rita Kohli found that if a teacher mispronounces, disregards or changes a student's name, they feel shame, embarrassment and that their name is a burden. They then in turn begin to shy away from their language, culture and family. As teachers, we need to let students be themselves and embrace their identity. We need to find a way to learn each child's name and work on pronunciation because it would be a shame to take away a part of the child.