Community Service
in Costa Rica

12 girls, 4 parents, and 2 of us coaches from the STMA High School Girls Basketball Program went to Costa Rica on June 5th-13th. During our time here we played 2 basketball games against the Costa Rica 17U International Team, performed 3 community service activities, did some fun adventurous activities, and were at the beach! Throughout the whole trip, my favorite part was going to the schools and children's center to work with the kids. We taught the kids some basketball skills, did an art project, and played with the kids. Most of these kids live in poverty or have drug infested homes. We donated old basketball jerseys, shirts, school supplies, toiletries, stuffed animals, and basketballs. The kids were all starving for love and attention and instantly touched our hearts. There were many tears leaving the schools and center, as we became so attached to the kids. Our hope was to help make a difference and we are seeing that through some of our families that have already stepped up to help donate to the places we were at. We are hoping to keep in touch with the people we met in Costa Rica

and keep helping and assisting in any way we can.This experience made me realize how easy my life is and how fortunate I am. This was a life changing and emotional time for all of us and we are already looking forward to planning our next trip with community service activities so we can help more people! #puravida

Thank you for sharing your reflections and pictures. I have always wanted to take a mission trip. Your blog entry, pictures, and testimony has me praying and looking for an opportunity to serve. Thank you for sharing this entry! Proud to work with you and this wonderful community of learners!