This quote is important to me because it reminds me to live my life the way I envision it. It reminds me to do the things I want to do, treat people kindly, accomplish the goals I set, and enjoy the experiences and adventures in life.

This quote has inspired me to do things I didn't imagine or plan on doing before; hiking for miles up mountains, paragliding, getting my scuba diving certification, doing community service in other countries, etc.
I look at fulfilling my life through experiences. I now take the time to travel, meet and connect with new people, learn about new cultures, and try new things. This has been the best way for me to learn, be accepting of others and have respect of our differences.

Because I live by this quote, I set short and long term goals for myself. I write these goals down on paper and check in with them every so often. This reminds me of what I want to accomplish in my life personally and professionally and to keep working on attaining those goals.

My life is all about experiences and trying to make a difference in the world. I became a teacher and a coach because it fulfills my life of making a difference. I choose to travel and try new things to give myself new experiences. These fulfill my life each and every day and is my right way of living.
My one life will be enough, because I am choosing to live it the right way.