Throughout my M.Ed. experience I have learned how to adapt to doing my own homework again, but also having more responsibilities as an adult. I have adapted to learning how to balance my teaching, family, friends, homework and coaching responsibilities. During these times I have had to think about what is most important and make decisions on what to cut out of my schedule. I struggle with saying no to people when it comes to helping them out or just getting together and have learned how to say no and be okay with it. This summer I had to make sacrifices in my personal life to support my goals as an M.Ed learner and my summer plans have been made around my class times and the time I plan for homework.
My family and friends have been very supportive and flexible as they have had to make plans around my schedule. I am very thankful that I have supportive people who are helping me achieve my goal of attaining my Master's Degree. Without them and their support, this would be a long and hard journey.
This has been my busiest summer by far with my travels, coaching responsibilities and grad school. I have learned how to balance time, put forth what is most important to me, and achieve my goals. I have done this by adapting my schedule, time, and responsibilities. It has been a busy and fast, yet successful and valuable summer of learning.

Jen, I wonder about your reference to learning to balance the responsibilities of being an adult. This is something I hear from other young adults I know. It makes me wonder if all the opportunities that are available to high school and college students now kind of cause a burnout factor even before young adults head into jobs....?? As a parent of young adults and having friends who are parents of young adults we wonder why it seems harder than when we were that age. I am not sure I would want to take opportunities away from high school and college students, but it does make me wonder how much between 14 and 24 years old is really needed? It seems like you are figuring it out!