Monday, January 22, 2018

Rocks In My Shoes

Image result for rocks in my shoes

The rocks that hold me back are my own thoughts. I tend to worry about what others think of me and take things too personally at times. I get stuck thinking about everything I did wrong or what I could do differently and tend to take the blame for things that I shouldn't. 

This year I have slowly learned what works best for me to deal with my thoughts and blame I put on myself. I lean on my coworkers to vent and get advice from. They help reassure me of my actions and help me not put blame on myself. I also find exercise a great way to change my negative thoughts and blame. Exercise helps me deal with my rocks and move forward. 

Being aware of "my rocks" and learning to deal with them has helped me focus on positive things and to be more confident. Each day I am learning to continue to move forward and not let others bring me down or make me second guess myself. My goal is to remove these rocks and bury them. 

1 comment:

  1. It is great practice to learn to walk with these rocks in your shoes in my opinion. Knowing that they are there is key, but there will always be doubt in things that you do. If you didn't ever have any doubt, then I would be worried about you. It is great to have strategies to help you empty out your shoe when it gets full, but as long as you can find healthy ways to deal with the smaller rocks, it makes you stronger in the long run!
